Donald Trump’s Defeat May Spark a Serious BacklashMany rejoiced earlier this month when the decisive projection came in and the Associated Press declared Joe Biden winner of the 2020…Nov 29, 2020Nov 29, 2020
Recently I came upon another technique that helps strengthen my ability in this arena.Only the most extreme market ideologues think that markets can self-regulate without state oversight. Markets need watchdogs — regulators…Nov 26, 2020Nov 26, 2020
Donald Trump has left the world stage. Few will miss himRiyadh, Saudi Arabia (CNN)As stage exits go Donald Trump’s departure was something of a whimper, the US President leaving the top table of…Nov 22, 2020Nov 22, 2020
26-Year-Old Programmer Built a $1 Billion App In 2 Years — After Following His Girlfriend’s AdviceKevin Systrom at Techcrunch Disrupt 2011. JD Lasica’s imageNov 22, 2020Nov 22, 2020
Don’t lose yourself to your thoughts on what’s next or worry about what’s happening elsewhere.At the time, there was some hand-wringing about the move. The privacy Zuckerberg was referring to — ephemeral messages and end-to-end…Nov 22, 2020Nov 22, 2020